The first person to join Alltius and create a workspace is assigned the role of an Admin or Administrator. Admins can create assistants, add sources, manage subscriptions, invite members and manage their roles. The Administrator role has most privileges followed by Editor and Reader roles.
Typically, the member who wishes to manage subscriptions and hold overall control on the team members, number of assistants and knowledge sources is assigned the Administrator role.
As an Editor, you can create assistants, add sources, invite members and manage their roles. You cannot manage subscriptions or change roles of other team members.
Typically, the members who wish to control how assistants behave and what sources they are trained on are Editors. They have privileges to customise trainings for their Assistants.
Readers can converse with assistants coached by your teammates and view what they are trained on. You cannot create assistants or coach them. You cannot invite new team members. You can request your administrator for a role upgrade.
Typically, the members who are brought in to 'use' and 'test' assistants are Readers. They leave the control of training assistants to Editors and Admin.