When you sign up on the Alltius workspace, as an organisation or as an individual, you get access to not only the general purpose KNO engine but also the different versions of KNO that are trained on specific knowledge bodies that you deem suitable.
For example, you could have an instance of KNO - hereby called an Assistant - for answering questions related to all your support documents that you use or refer to while answering your customers’ tickets. Or, it could be specific to an industry or a topic such as Electric Vehicles or US Insurance Regulations or Indirect Taxation or Stripe API documentation.
All you have to do is add those URLs, files and other documents of interest and coach the Assistant on it. Don’t worry, coaching assistants is literally like pressing a toggle button.
By default - we create an Assistant for each workspace. But you can add more. Here’s how.
- Go to the ‘Assistants’ tab from the main navigation.

- Here is where you can see all your existing Assistants.

- Press the ‘Create New’ button.

- Give a name and a description to your Assistant. Make sure it is not a duplicate.

- Hit ‘Create’ and your new Assistant will be created.

After this you can,
- Coach this Assistant on the Sources already added.
- You can add a new Source.
- You can test this Assistant in the playground.